Just Give Me JESUS!

The kingdom of heaven is like
treasure hidden in a field.

When a man found it, he hid it again,
and then in his joy went
and sold all he had
and bought that field.
Matthew 13:44

My prayer on the first day of 2012

People are seeking here and there
Nothing satisfy
Until they find Jesus
He is the TREASURE
He is the ANSWER
He is everything

May this year we grow in
Wanting YOU more 
Knowing YOUmore 
Loving YOU more 
Serving YOU more
Trusting YOU more 
than ANYTHING in life

Let there be LESS of me 
even NONE of me 
but MORE of You
even ALL of You

It's all about YOU
and not about me
My life is NOTHING without You, God
so use this broken vessel a.k.a my life
for Your GLORY

Let me say what Mary said
be it unto me according to Your word (Luke 1:38)
Let me align my dream with YOUR dream towards me 
My feet won't be moved without Your consent
Let me be patient enough to wait
Let me be sensitive enough to listen 
Let me be obedient enough to follow directions
Increase FAITH, LOVE, and HOPE in me 

Let me enter 2012 with YOU alone 
believing that the BEST is yet to come 

For His Glory~


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