The Cross - so Unreal yet Real
For the past few days, I have been feeling so unreal living my own life.
Never in my wildest dream that I would thought about this day, given such an honor to carry this cross.
Since last week, the first week of school, I've been training my physical body to wake up before sunrise, getting ready, getting the kids ready, getting the house ready for the day and do the things that are usually done by 2 people all day long. To tell you the truth, it is tiring and overwhelming. Many nights I just cried and told my God that I can't do this anymore.
I need HIM more than anything. I told Him that this cross is unbearable, so unreal yet I know that I can do all things through HIM.
The reality is my Savior, my God, my Best friend carried way heavier, bigger cross then mine 2000 years ago. He did it not for Himself but for you and me, out of LOVE for His Father and for us, His beloved creations. He knows exactly how I feel, the feeling that I can't go on anymore, the pain that I have to bear.
So my assurance is I have HIM, the reality.
As unreal as it is, this is real
and I will walk my life with YOU, GOD my reality!