Oh How Much He Loves Us

Oh how much He LOVES us
Jesus Christ was sent to earth to die
He obeyed His Father
He followed His Father's plan
He knew one day he would die
Suffered and Sacrificed His life for His enemies

Oh how much He LOVES us
Jesus Christ was willing to leave His throne
Became the son of man
No royal treatment, no crown, no honor
Humbly was he willing to come
Born in a manger, died on a cross

Oh how much He LOVES us
At time when we don't love Him
He still loves us unconditionally
At times when we broke His heart
He still accepts us when we come back
He has His BEST plan for us

Oh how much I love YOU, Lord
Let me give up my life
Let me give up my dreams
Let me follow YOUR plan
Cause my life is not my own
My life is YOURS, use it for Your glory

Thank YOU for Your LOVE
Thank YOU for LOVING us

For his Glory~


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