Power Boost

This morning God gave me 3 important verses as a Power boost for the day:

the reality is:
I am weak and it's OK to be weak
because HIS strength is made perfect in my weakness
By HIS Grace and through HIM, I shall be able to do all things
when I TURN to HIM
He shall do things for me above and beyond ALL that I can ask or think

YOUR WORDS are Amazing, Lord!
They are PROMISES and ASSURANCE that keep me going
Guaranteed by the ALMIGHTY 
who never sleeps or slumber
who is faithful and just 
And will fulfill each of them in YOUR perfect time
I am rest ASSURED
The Ultimate power source is living in me 

For His Glory~


Encouraging! :) I'm happy to read your blog and I love this post best! <3 Praise God for what He is doing in your life!

Felecia Wong said…
Thank you for reading, Meg! I am glad to have you joining my journey.


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