'Being Here' -a 40 days project. Join me!

Where did it start?

I recently finished reading a book titled "Believe" by Jennifer Silvera. It is a life journey book of a young widow through brokenness and back. I could totally relate to her in many ways. The book opened my eyes, brought comfort knowing that I am not the only one going through this kind of journey, and most of all spoke to me.

During her journey, she realized the importance of "being here now"
Here are some extracts from her book:

Each moment matters. Live them now. 

Being here now is a moment by moment practice-one that doesn't happen without intent, one that has the potential to change our lives. It's a daily commitment and discipline to practice the very thing I want-a heart fully inhabiting the moment.

Grief easily hinders us from living in the present. I struggle to stay mindful in the now. 

"Life is fragile and fleeting ... be here now"

Clinging to each moment God gifts me in the only place where my perspective stays clear and focused. 

Today is our day to love our kids, extend grace to our families, give care to friends, or show concern for strangers.  I found, by God's grace, that there are lessons upon lessons stored up in moments, waiting to have an extraordinary impact on my life. 

I realized that I haven't been "being here" for the past 9 months as grief is becoming a part of my life. I was not living in the now as much as I did before. I tried to hurry the time hoping that time will heal, time will take away the pain, time will help my kids become who they were used to be. I look forward more for the future and try to ignore what I have in front of me.

So, on Tuesday, March 20, 2012 the first day of Spring, I decided to start a 40 days project of "being here". I will dedicate myself to take some moments during each day and embrace them. I will put my whole heart and mind in that moment and ask God to whisper His gentle voice. If it's a time with my children, then I will give my whole attention to them, put aside my work, the chores, my smartphone (except for picture purposes), my laptop, my agenda.

Why 40 days?
When a person is focused on one purpose and works on it daily for 40 days, something happens inside. It changes, transforms and empowers a person. A 40-day period is a special, God-appointed time frame through which we can provoke radical changes in our lives.

I invite all of you to join me. Whether you are a mom, a dad, a wife, a husband, a child, single, married, widowed, anything, let's discover together where God is going to take us when we embrace each God-given moment in our lives. Never again let it pass by!

"Life is fragile and fleeting ... be here now"

For His Glory~


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