Love Communicates

Hi Friends!

Yesterday I was out almost all day, got home tired and some things still needed to be done. My body+mind (and my swollen gum, too) craved for some rest

Now, some of you are moms and I am pretty sure you've experienced this before. For some reasons, kids are "attracted" to our tiredness. It's like suddenly they need more help than other days, they have many "interesting" stories to share, they want to stay closer to our worn out body, and so on. My tired face and tone didn't seem to give them any clue (oh my, why can't you kids understand my body language? hello?!?).

In my earlier days as a mom, I used to just suck it all in and sometimes made little "explosions" here and there. But I realized that route was not healthy for both parties. So I started to use a tool called communication LOL!

Even to my youngest child, whenever I am worn out, I would share my situation, "Mommy just had a long day and super tired right now", "Mommy is tired and super grouchy", "Is that OK if you share your stories tomorrow morning as soon as you are awake?", "Can you guys give mommy a little space right now and we'll talk a little bit before bedtime?". My children then understand and the re-channel their energy doing other things.

Well, this post is not for moms only. Many times, we, as adults, think that people (+ kids) surround us can read our body language and mind. The truth is they can't. But we can always communicate our feelings and situation. Then we will avoid many unwanted reaction. And make our "world" a better place. Love communicates.

Have an awesome week!



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