Hi Friends!

I can't believe the 2nd month of 2013 is almost over. Time really has wings.
Do you still remember your new year resolutions? Well, one of my goals this year is to be a more "present" mom. To have more quality time and be engaged with the kids instead of just having my body with them but my mind is somewhere else. I am totally aware that most of my distraction comes from my blackberry, iphone, laptop, facebook, twitter, and instagram. Are any of you in the same boat as me? Don't worry, you're not alone and there is nothing to be ashamed of.

Back in October of last year, I took 21 days of Social Media Sabbath and it was truly liberating! I rested and had more time to spend with my children, family, myself, and God. It was a struggle at first but after 7 days, I enjoyed it!

This time, I would like to invite you to unplug together this weekend for 24 hours, starting March 1st (sundown) till March 2nd (sundown). Please visit and sign up at http://nationaldayofunplugging.com

I plan to unplug from my laptop and Social Media (facebook, twitter, instagram) to spend good quality time with my children and maybe read a book. (I will only use my kindle device since all of my books are kindle books)

Work for six days and rest the seventh 
so your ox and donkey may rest 
and your servant and migrant workers may have time 
to get their needed rest
Exodus 23:12

We all need REST. Let's rest together and invest our precious 24 hours into things that we've been longing to do. Who is with me? Leave a comment below right after signing up at http://nationaldayofunplugging.com 

For His Glory~ 


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