Running on Empty?

Hello Friends!

A few days ago I had a privilege to share with 150 parents of young children (90% are moms) the importance of understanding our children's love language.  The talk was based on the Five Love Languages for children.
(NoteIf you are new to the Five Love Languages, you may visit their site or purchase the book The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That LastsThe 5 Love Languages of Children.  Being introduced to the book, then to understand and speak the love languages of people surround me is truly blessing. I see it as a revelation from God. So I always recommend everyone to learn and practice it. )

The parents were excited and responded very well, we shared experiences, asked questions, and learned together. I had a great time. But towards the end of the talk, as I was glancing through the audience, suddenly a question popped out in my heart.

What if somebody here is running on empty? 
She might be having a marital or relationship issue that left her love tank empty yet is still expected to fill her children's love tanks. 

Running on low  
Running on empty

I've ran on low before 
I've ran on empty before

When he passed. My heart was shattered. Grief came and left my love tank dry.
"How could I give when there is none?"
My children were struck by grief and their love tanks were running low.

At that moment, the overwhelming love of God stepped in, so real and tangible.
His love filled me, gave me enough to go through one day at a time. He is my ultimate lover who speaks all 5 languages and has been keeping my love tank full.

Friends, regardless your circumstances, I encourage all of you to turn to Jesus to fill your love tanks. Whether you are single, married (with or without issues), widow/widower, come to LOVE.  God is Love (1 John 4:8)

He is the expert giver of Love

  • Words of affirmation: His words. The Bible is filled with words of affirmation. Open and read it. Read it out loud, let your ears hear LOVE through His words.
  • Acts of service: Working behind the scene. Setting ways for you. Making things happen. Planning your future. 
  • Receiving gifts: Sacrificing His only Son. Grace. Think about it. Receive LOVE through the best gift of all that no one can ever out-give.
  • Quality time: He has been waiting for you. Come to Him. Be still. Know. He speaks in a quiet. He longs to give undivided attention to you. 
  • Physical touch:  His tangible presence is ready to embrace you. Come deeper. Worship Him.

Turn to Jesus. Running on full.

I have more than enough. 
More than enough LOVE.
JESUS is the cup that won't run dry.
My love tank is full.

For his Glory~


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