Let Go and Let God

Have you ever released a balloon into the air? 

I don't really do it a lot, since my kids always oppose the idea of releasing balloons 'cause they believe that whales are dying because of that. But yesterday, we got to do it once again during a wedding ceremony. 

When God suddenly whispered ... 
You need to do this more often
Release them all to me
Let me take care of them

All these time, without realizing, I've been holding on things too much. Fear, worries, challenges, responsibilities, as if I had to do it on my own. Exhausted, that's how I felt at the end of many days. Where actually all God wants from me is to release them, let go of my control and let Him turn the uncertain to something beautiful.

So, today, I woke up and took a bunch of my colorful "balloons" out to the open ground. Looked up to the sky, stretched out my hand and released them. They went up straight to the sky. Up, up, up and away, until I could see them no more. It felt so good

Oh the things that we've been holding on to, too much, too long ... 
Let them go, give them all to the Author of our lifestories
-F. Wong

Have you been holding on to your "balloons" for so long?

For His Glory~


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