Be You
As far as I can remember, I always wanted to look good since I was 5. Not sure where I got that, but I grew up that way. In addition to that, my idealistic mindset.
For so long my ideal look is a long beautiful hair and fair skin. Sort of a security blanket that I brought everywhere. Had to have it 'cause without the blanket, I felt less-beautiful or even not beautiful at all. I strived to keep my blanket in place at all times.
Then my life was turned upside down. My world went dark. I did not really care about my look yet my hair still had to be long+beautiful and my skin had to be fair. A security blanket that I never wanted to part.
I walked through grief then healing journey and found the real beauty. My faithful Father held me close to His heart and breathed new strength and security. His love mended my broken heart and became the source of my acceptance and confidence.
So, I decided to part my security blanket last year (two years into my healing journey). I chopped off my long hair. I was in between yes, no, maybe, and "God, is this for real?" but I did it anyway! After 12 years of having a long hair, I walked out of the salon that day in a short hair and lighter head, feeling so secured and confident. I realized that the One inside of me makes me look great, not my outer look.
Then 2 weeks ago, during the adventure of my life (will post about this soon!), I burned my security blanket for good! I got the most sun-kissed tan in my whole life. Seriously, I've never been this tanned before and totally wore it with pride.
No more insecurity. I am fully secured in Him who loves and accepts me just the way I am -His beautiful daughter.
Friends, whatever security blanket you have right now, God is willing to replace it with a security in Him. My prayer is for you to find yourself in God and let Him speak and breathe to your soul how beautiful you are.
You are beautiful indeed
You are fearfully and wonderfully made
Never let people and media define your beauty
Be yourself