He Remembers
the sky over my city yesterday
the city where loved ones departed and never returned
as I whispered "God, help them"
my heart was heavy
i could only imagine the pain that each family has to go through
it took me back to the day when my family discovered
a husband, a dad, a son, a brother, a friend
suddenly was no longer here on earth
oh, the pain
the questions
the tears
the unspeakable sorrow
suddenly God whispered ....
"I know what's going on
I remember each one of the grieving soul
I remember you"
this sky lingered for about forty minutes yesterday
at the time when i was driving along
the sky was mourning
God was grieving with us
my heart is still heavy
their hearts are still broken
but I choose to trust
because He remembers
-December 30, 2014-
To the families and friends of Air Asia QZ8501 crews and passengers:
The journey ahead of you is surely not the most pleasant one, my prayer is for God to breathe on you His strength, peace and comfort. Please know that you are never alone, you are never forsaken, you are never forgotten.
He loves your loved ones. He loves and remembers you.
You are in my heart and prayers.