Love & Respect

This week, through my encounter with a unique chemistry of a relationship, has made me wonder, for once again, "what does a woman really need?"

Then I ask myself, "what do you really need, Felecia?'.

It is written in Ephesians 5:33 "So again I say, each man must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband". A woman needs love and a man needs respect and with a perfect balance, lives will be so beautiful. So, the question is "what is actually love according to a woman's perception?"

love is when you are being honest
love is when you tell me everything I need to know
love is when you accept my flaws
love is when you embrace my feelings
love is when you put judgement aside and give me a hug instead
love is when you tell me I am beautiful
love is when you put your phone away and listen to my story
love is when you show up with a flower your pick by the street
love is when you let me cry and mess my make up
love is when you remember my favorite ice cream
love is when you share your steak and fries
love is when you hold my hand
love is when you offer help cleaning up my messy room
love is when you leave me a love post it note
love is when you ask for my opinion

To think about it, respect is also the same way
respect is when you are being honest
respect is when you tell me everything I need to know
respect is when you accept my flaws
respect is when you give me a space to process my emotion
respect is when you put judgement aside and sit quietly next to me instead
respect is when you say "I am your biggest fan"
respect is when you put your curling iron down and listen to my story
respect is when you show up with a home made lunch at the office
respect is when you let me be quiet and think
respect is when you remember my favorite ice cream
respect is when you keep your own salad and let me enjoy my steak
respect is when you place your arms around me
respect is when you help cleaning up my messy room
respect is when you leave me a love post it note
respect is when you let me make a decision

Now, the question is "how much would you place her/him before yourself?"

The Golden Rule
“Do to others whatever you would like them to do to you"
Matthew 7:12 (NLT)

For His Glory~


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