Won't He also Give us Everything Else?
For the mountains shall depart
And the hills be removed,
But My kindness shall not depart from you,
Nor shall My covenant of peace be removed
Says the Lord, who has mercy on you.
Isaiah 54:10
A few months ago I was caught off guard when my daughter asked me for a personal story of God’s provision as she needed one to share with her Sunday School kids. I was unsure how would my daughter tell the story I am about to share below to a group of young kids? Would it be too much? Would she be able to contain herself? So instead, I advised her to find a story of a well-known Pastor I heard a couple weeks prior.
So, here it is ....
The passing of my husband came unexpected. We were unprepared. I mean who would’ve? It was like a robbery, emotionally, physically, financially, and of every single part of our lives. I was shocked to the core but when the adrenaline kicked in, the fear also kicked in and my brain was racing with only one concern “I have no money”.
I knew exactly how much was the remaining balance of our money in the bank account. It was barely enough for us to survive another month. With whatever left off my sanity, I tried to figure things out and ended up with a dead end. I really did not know how my life is going to roll but I chose to stay still. I had no words but tears only Heaven could comprehend. At that time, both sides of the families were facing tough financial situations so I didn’t even have the gut to ask for help. That night I fell asleep shattered and hopeless.
Waking up the next day, my eyes were swollen from crying all night, my head was pounding from thinking too hard. yet my heart was flooded with peace. As if I was in my own dream, so surreal, so scary, so painful, but I wasn’t in fear. Trying to keep my life as normal as possible, I fed myself a light breakfast, gave the kids morning hugs and served their favorite cereals.
Around 9 am, I received a phone call. It was from my late husband’s good friend who lived three hours away from our hometown. He said that he wouldn’t be able to make it to the funeral service but he would like to stop by just to see the kids and I. Before hanging up, he asked “Do you have enough for this month?”
The next day, he came by to share tears and give us hugs, dropped off an envelope and left. As I opened the envelope, I burst into tears. Inside the envelope was a check written with an amount exactly what we needed to cover the house and our last car payment that month.
That day was the beginning of a journey of God’s always-on-time-never-ending provision for the kids and I, for the fatherless and the widow. Since then and now seven years later, God never fails to show up in his own funny and unthinkable way and provide us with more than we need. Sometimes I even consider the kids and I as spoiled, showered with opportunities, resources, connections, breaks we don’t deserve.
(Just yesterday God showed up in His funny way that left me speechless. I was struggling to locate important paperworks and accidentally saw a folder in the corner of the bookcase. The folder looked old and I was not sure how long it has been there. When I opened it, my eye balls jumped out and I ended up laughing so hard because this incident happened right after I literally complained to God about this month’s expense that has just been through the roof! I felt like He was saying "Come on girl, where have you been? If I can send you $60 from Heaven, how much more I will provide for you! HA!")
Friends, I am sharing this story to assure you once again that our God is a good God. He fulfills His promises and He can be trusted. When He says “That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life—whether you have enough food and drink, or enough clothes to wear. Isn’t life more than food, and your body more than clothing? Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to him than they are?” (Matthew 6). He really means it.
When we are in a bad situation, most of the time, financial provision can be everything we need and ask for, but we have to remember that God wants to provide so much more than just money.
Friends, whether you just lost a job, screwed your investment, are living with Everest-tall debt, a widow, a widower, a fatherless child, or in a bad situation, I encourage you to place your trust only in God. He is more than able, He wants to, and He will supply everything you ever need. Do not worry, do not fear, but instead stand on a solid ground of His love. I am a living proof that God is faithful. His kindness will never depart from you. Trust Him one more time.
He will for sure give us everything else.
For His Glory,