How to be Unbroken
Nine years ago
My bright days turned into the darkest nights
Death tore my heart apart
The love of my life died
The dream was shattered
The future turned pitch black
The worst of the worst came uninvited
How could I walk with an amputated leg?
How could I crawl with a paralyzed body?
How could we live with a big hole in our hearts?
There was no way to survive
The heartbreak was uncontainable
I didn’t know how to live with wounds and bruises all over my body
The thought of raising our kids on my own choked me
I was scared for their future
My mind could not comprehend the fact that they will grow up without a dad
The knot in my stomach
I choked every time I needed to breathe
But still I had to take the pill
The one I never thought to swallow
It has been nine short and long years
I thought I would not live longer than him (died at 37)
I thought my heart would stay broken forever
I thought I would not survive hopeless nights filled with mourning, weeping, crying
I thought my kids would grow up wounded
I thought I would be a bitter, sour, sad woman
I thought I would be paralyzed forever
I thought I would never have the courage to dream again
I thought I would be rejected by the community
I thought I would live feeling forsaken and forgotten forever
But I had to choose
Because three lives depended on me
Because he is still living in those three young lives
Because perhaps the future is still here
Maybe I just needed to let the sun rises again
So I let the Healer heals the wounds
I made peace with living as a weak & broken woman
I let my eyes to see beauty in ashes
And I chose not to waste my pain
Because one day somebody out there needs to know that
there is hope after the death (of a loved one)
Friends, if your heart is broken now, let me tell you a secret: don’t be scared of brokenness.
Because tomorrow when you wake up, you will be a little bit unbroken, and the next day, and the next day, until one day, five months from now, 70 weeks from now, nine years from now, you will be unbroken almost completely.
as captured by @robby.gunawann |
You are not alone, my friends!